วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556


        All of us use Windows7 as the operating software, and our computers are connected together within the workgroup of the LAN (local area network). So we should gain the benefit of its sharing capability. Here we go!

       Be sure we have to specify what folder that we want to share?

"BOOKS" is the folder of us to be shared.
ฟลเดอร์ "BOOKS" คือโฟลเดอร์ที่เราอยากแชร์

 Make a right clicking with the folder, the dialogue box appears. Select the "Sharing" tab and the "Advanced Sharing" button
Now the folder has never been shared yet (Not Shared)

 Properties window of the folder appears and we should select to share it with others. Now we can see the maximum number of users to simultaneously enter to the folder is 20. Then we can click on the "Permission" button.

Tick the check-box, and we can change the share name or ignore it.
ติ๊กเลือกว่าจะแชร์  จะเปลี่ยน/หรือไม่เปลี่ยนชื่อที่จะแชร์ก็ได้

After clicking on the permission button, the Permissions window shows up, you can add any user e.g. "student" and you can change the permission type of the user.

We can add user/ specify his permission level.
เราสามารถเพิ่มยูสเซอร์ / ระบุระดับการอนุญาตใช้งานโฟลเดอร์ของเราแก่เขา

Finally click on the "Apply" button, the folder now has been shared.
Well, our folder has been shared.
Folder ของเราได้รับการแชร์กันใช้เรียบร้อยแล้ว

      Click the "Start button" of Windows7 desktop, the pop-up menu appears, then select "Devices and Printers", the target printer of us will be appeared.
Select the printer

 Make a right click on the printer icon, the select menu will show up, then select "Printers properties" option.  Then we can operate sharing easily.

Select : Printer Properties

Select the Sharing Tab
Select to share

Friend's Links

ด.ช.กฤษฎา แย้มทรัพย์
ด.ช.ชนนน พรพิพัฒน์พงศ์
ณฐวัฒน์ นามแสง
ด.ช. เทพนรินทร์ คุ้มภัย
ด.ช. ธีร์รัชช์ สุขสมพงษ์
พิษณุวัฒน์ มาตรศรี
ด.ช. ภัคพล สาระสันต์

ด.ช. ภู
ริณัฐ อรุณโชติ
ด.ช. ศักดิ์ชัย ชื่นชูลักษณ์

ด.ช. ศักดิ์ณรงค์ สมบัติเจริญ

ด.ช. สร
วิชญ์ พันธุ์เสือ
อภิวัฒน์ สุวรรณศรี
ด.ช. อัคร
รัชต์   พิมใจใส
ด.ช. อัศวิน วารีนิล

ด.ญ. กนกวรรณ จันทร์เพ็ญ
ด.ญ. กฤติกา ทองคำใส

ด.ญ. แก้วกานต์ จึงรักเสรีชัย

ด.ญ. ขวัญฤดี มงคลไพบูลย์

ชนิษฐา พลายละหาร
ด.ญ. ชลธิดา ทองสุข

ด.ญ. ชิดชนก เรืองขจร

ฌาณิการ์ นุชบูรณ์
ฑิฆัมพร นิลเขตร
ณัฐกฤตา เครือใจวัง
ณัฐกฤตา เสร็จกิจ

ด.ญ. ทิพานัน   วรเวชวงศ์
ด.ญ. ธัญมน ทัศนสุวรรณ
ด.ญ. นิ
มนญา ปาลพันธ์
นูรีน กิจจำนง
ด.ญ. เบญจ
วรรณ   ศิริรักษ์
ด.ญ. ปรียาภัทร เรือนรื่น

ด.ญ. ปา
รีณา บัวบาน
ด.ญ. พลอยพรรณ 
พัชร์ปรียา สุทธิประภา
ด.ญ. มิ่งขวัญ ศรี
วรารัตน์ เคนผาพงษ์
ด.ญ. วันวิสา 

ด.ญ. ศศิวิมล ชำนาญดี
สโรชา สืบจากสิงห์
ด.ญ. สตรีรัตน์ ทิพย์ป่า
สุนันทา ชีพนุรัตน์
ด.ญ. สุ
ภัชญา แซ่จันทร์
ด.ญ. สุภัสสร เรือนวิลัย

อภิชญา   ธัญญะผล
รฐาภ์ วงษ์เวียงจันทร์
ชลธิชา พูลสวัสดิ์

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

My favorite Actors


Nickname : James
Name : Jirayu Tongsrisuk

Birthday : 19th September 1993.
Brethren : Has 2 people 1 sister.
Birthplace : Phichit Province.

Favorite Colour : Pink
Dislike : All kinds of  entrails.


1. Winner of the contest Friday Idol 2011.

2. Awarded of the Man of the Year 2012.


1. Advertise product of Catalogue Friday.

2. Advertise of Wuttisuk.



1. Where is Love Where You ... Love plays the territorial waters (the film's promo tour. Phitsanulok).

2. The Way mark as a Tum.

3. Timeline letter memory.

Soap opera

1. Drama Series Juthathep the gentleman sir PuttiPat.


2. Drama Inordinately love.


วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556


What/How to Study? 

          Before we go for it, the ICT core course of Mattayom 2 :  O22101 Occupation and Technology, we should know about its background.  Yes, what to be known is the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551. The curriculum is the guide star that helps us what/how to manage the course and the class.  Because this is the core course , so the grade level indicators are what we have to follow.  There are four indicators (or learning outcomes).

Former Kanchanapisek students (academic year 2005) : the best ever kids I have known.

The Basic Education Core Curriculum
B.E. 2551 (A.D.2008)

  Learning Area of Occupations and Technology 

Strand 3:    Information and Communication Technology

Standard O3.1:    Understanding, appreciation, and efficient, effective and ethical use of information technology processes in searching for data, communicating, problem–solving, working and livelihood

    Grade level indicators

Grade 8
1. Explain basic principles of communicating data and computer networks
2. Explain principles and methods of problem-solving through information technology processes.
3. Search for data and communicate through computer networks morally and ethically.

4.  Use software for work


How to Create Your Blog with www.blogger.com

          1. After you had signed in Google Mail Service and then you had your own Gmail, well, you are now the one who can ask for your blog creation with www.blogger.com using your Gmail.

          2. After entering your Gmail with its password, the "Welcome Screen" of Blogger appears and confirms that you have just passed its regulation. Now you can either add your profile details or skip to the next step.

You can give more details of your profile or you can skip to the next step by clicking the orange button.

          3. See "New Blog" and click, wow, to create your blog any way!!!

          4. Yeah!, you have to fill some fields related to your new blog e.g.   title, address and  template. But you can pass this task easily. Or you can skip it. (Because you can change these options any time).


          5. You can select "Settings Option" to change the style/template of your blog anyway and anytime.

          6. Well, you can start your post now.  See the sample below.

          7.  When you select the option "View Blog", your blog with your post will appears like the following.

           There are any students complain that they have no Internet connection at home, so they can never create their blog. The teacher realizes the problems. But the cops (the fans of Liverpool Football Club) say, "You'll never walk alone", be sure you still have friends who can help you. Look for a star that guides you to the way out.

Computer Network

What is Computer Network? Why?

          If any computer is not connected to others it is called "a stand-alone machine".  Today if anyone uses any stand-alone machine , he must be considered a stranger because the world today is of computer networks. A network machine can send/receive packets (bits of data per second) to/from any other machines e.g. Internet.  Our computers/tablet PCs/smart phones can never be alone anymore. Yes, they have been connected to their networks both local (e.g. the networks in our school) and global (e.g. Internet). We can share our resources such as  files, printers etc. to each other through our local area network (LAN) or we can exchange our data through the wide area network (WAN) like Internet.

Figure 1   What is Computer Network

Figure 2  Computer Network classified by Area Width

Figure 3  Types of Network Topology

Figure 4   Star/Extended Star Topology

Figure 5   The Client-Server Network What/How

What/How of the Network in Comp102 Classroom?

          Because the operating software (OS) of all computers in classroom-102 is Windows7, so the students who uses them, those machines, should better understand how they work, especially how to use the network of them.

          Our computers in comp102 classroom are connected together with the UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cables. Why? Because the unshielded cables are lower cost than the shielded cables which have been used in the signal noisy areas e.g.  airports, factories, etc. The style of their connection is "Star Topology" which each machine has its own cable which connects directly to the hub/switch.  A hub/switch is the center point of cables (both devices are similar to each other but a switch is more clever than a hub) . Well our network is called Local Area Network (LAN). Any LAN must has its workgroup name which required by the Operating System (OS) of each computer, Windows7 . But the administrator (the teacher) of this LAN  named it "comp2" workgroup. 

The Teacher Teaches About Programming Using C-Language in Comp102 Classroom

          If we consider only the "comp2-workgroup LAN", it is a peer-to-peer network that every machine is independent from each other but shares its files/folders/printers to its peers. On the other hand, when this workgroup connects to the server computer of "the School Media Center", it must be a client-server network. 

          What is about the client-server network? It means that the server computer of "the Media Center" is the manager/boss of other computers which are only the clients. The server computer has been installed with the operating-software-for-server such as Windows2003server/Windows2008server , Linux or  Unix, which can manage the client computers of the network. The clients have to obey the server because the latter has the power to control/ban the former. Yes, the clients can never control/manage the server.

          Every machine in the network is required to have its unique "hostname" and "IP address".  Only the server computer has the "static IP address" while the IP addresses of the client computers are "dynamic" specified/controlled by the sever. If the user of any client computer specify the static IP address himself, the server computer can never share the Internet connection because the "IP address conflict" problem could be occurred easily. Then the alien client will be kicked off /faded away from the network simultaneously. Yes, the server computer is the "Internet gateway" of the network.

          OK., after selecting the "Local Area Network" option, the "Local Area Network Connection Status" window appears. You can see its speed of packets transmission (100 Mbps) , bytes of the sent/received packets.

          Then, when you click on the "Properties" button, another window shows. To find and select the "Internet Protocol Version) option, you can see its IPaddress has been obtained automatically by the gateway/server computer (of the School Media Center).

          Another one I would like to refer to is "protocol". What is it? A protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging those messages in or between computing systems and in telecommunications. And in our network we use the TCP/IP (comes from "Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). Now Thailand uses IPv4 protocol, but Thai government by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is going to change the Internet protocol of the country with another version, IPv6 protocol, which has more capacity and efficiency of transmission.

My School

Kanchanapisekwittayalai Suphanburi
          My school is Kanchanapisekwittayalai Suphanburi. She is in Phaikwang Subdistrict, Muangsuphanburi District of Suphanburi Province.  Her location is excellent, because her surroundings are rice paddies. So she is free from any unexpected environments and calm enough for living/studying. I love and proud of my school and feel that she is my mother. And the children of "Mother Kanchana" are so friendly.

Beautiful Fountain at the Gateway of Kanchanapisek Suphan

Three Main Buildings of Kanchanapisek Suphan

Bird-eye-view of my school (2005), where Suphanburi downtown is at the horizon.

                                                Another Bird-eye-View (2005)

          Now "Mother Kanchana of Mine" is the "World Class Standard School" , so English has been integrated to our study.  

Kanchanapisek United

We study hard and hard.

          Children of Kanchana are gentle and love to learn. They have been successful.